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respiratory viruses中文是什么意思

用"respiratory viruses"造句"respiratory viruses"怎么读"respiratory viruses" in a sentence


  • 呼吸道病毒


  • The respiratory tract is an important portal of entry for respiratory viruses .
  • Congregation of cattle in stock yard or of horses in racetracks may provide the necessary environment for respiratory viruses .
  • Objective to develop a method to detect respiratory virus and its subtypies by dna microarray directly
  • Methods a series of respiratory virus associated oligonucleotides were synthesized and prepared the dna microarray
  • " a variety of common respiratory viruses and bacteria can cause mild upper respiratory infection symptoms , " the spokesman added
  • So there is still a lot of work to be done . but this is a virus that causes respiratory infection and is thought that it s a variant of a respiratory virus that causes infections in children
  • Influenza and other respiratory viruses are spread in small droplets broadcast by coughing , sneezing and talking and which can also settle onto surfaces , to be picked up on fingertips
  • It may be a matter of bad timing , so that if a child is exposed to an allergen at the same time as a lower respiratory virus infection , then the child might become sensitised to that allergen instead of being tolerant of it
  • But the mutation found in the turkey viruses is also known to be able to increase the affinity for h5n1 to the 2 . 6 receptors , points out sylvie van der werf , head of the laboratory of molecular genetics of respiratory viruses at the pasteur institute in paris , france
    然而,巴斯德研究所(位于法国巴黎)呼吸道病毒分子遗传学实验室负责人西尔维?凡?德?沃夫指出:土耳其病毒中发现的变异据悉还能提高h5n1对2 . 6受体的亲和力。
  • Hotel guests who have a fever , cough , respiratory symptoms or signs of infection should not use common showers , saunas , jacuzzis or spas such as those provided in hotel health clubs or gyms as a moist atmosphere will aggravate the spread of respiratory viruses
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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